A scientific expertise facility to implement and monitor botanical conservation programs.



Share a working capacity, a theoretical and applied knowledge, a scientific experience and technical field skill and a professional network (including nature conservation organisations) providing an international expertise in the field of plant and wildlife habitat conservation.




In order to federate our means, energies and skills within a local conservation network, our group is able to link the local stakeholders such as public institutions, private corporations, civil society, associations and owners.




Our group accounts for:

  • A 30 years cumulated experience dedicated to acknowledging and protecting botanical diversity and plant communities
  • 50 field trips for studies & applied researches in French Guiana, Indonesia, Suriname, Laos, Mauritius, Haiti and metropolitan France.
  • 12 scientific publications in journals with a review comity, 3 papers for general public, 13 attendances to international congresses and symposia.




With a strong practice of university teaching, field training and pedagogic educational, we also provide a set of actions in awareness for general or specialised public, conservation sciences and techniques teachings and trainings in plant biology and applied field ecology, adapted to our partners specific needs.


For the most specialised skills out passing our qualification fields, we call upon the competencies of confirmed specialists to match closely to your requirements..